Dr. Julia Langbein

EU Integration Strategies and Room for Development in Europe's Peripheries

Dr. Julia Langbein

EU Integration Strategies and Room for Development in Europe's Peripheries

Trucks at the German-Polish border. IMAGO / IPON

in cooperation with Prof. László Bruszt (Central European University)

Project description

According to the dominant perspective in the literature, transnational market integration has the uniform effect of reducing the room for development in peripheral economies. Challenging this perspective, this research examines the integration strategies used by the European Union (EU) in its three peripheries: the Southern member states, the Eastern member states, and neighbouring countries outside the EU.

This research project aims to develop an analytical framework to compare various economic integration strategies and their capacity to help states in peripheral economies to play by, and benefit from, the shared rules of an integrated market. It also seeks to explore the domestic political factors that hinder or encourage the creation of developmental institutions in peripheral economies. By exploring the effects of various EU strategies on developmental state capacities, the project will produce important lessons for other parts of the world on how to expand integration regimes among countries at different levels of development.


  • Comparative case studies
  • Process analysis

Key questions

  • What economic integration strategies is the EU pursuing in peripheral economies within and outside the Union and why do these strategies differ?
  • How do the strategies affect the scope for economic development within peripheral economies?
  • What lessons can be learned for future EU economic governance and for other integration regimes among countries at different levels of development?

Project coordination